Make Breakfast Special
Breakfast is one of the most important meals for your kids. Yet, it is difficult to provide a wholesome breakfast they’ll eat before they rush out the door to go to school.
Land O'Lakes Test Kitchen
Land O'Lakes Test Kitchen

Breakfast is one of the most important meals for your kids. Yet, it is difficult to provide a wholesome breakfast they’ll eat before they rush out the door to go to school. LAND O'LAKES® Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread was developed to help you not only get your kids to eat their breakfast, but to help create special moments every morning.
Nothing seems to get kids to the breakfast table faster than toast with cinnamon and sugar sprinkled on top. Land O Lakes® Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread is easy to use on many breakfast foods from toast to English muffins and bagels. It is also a great way to make microwave pancakes taste special. Just spread it on top of warm pancakes and watch it melt quickly. You might even decide to skip the syrup. And, if you love hot cereal, add a swirl of cinnamon butter for a rich, cinnamon flavor.

On weekends, when families can sometimes enjoy a leisurely breakfast, a perennial favorite is French toast. Frying the bread in melted cinnamon sugar butter spread adds a wonderful flavor plus there is the benefit of the kitchen being filled with the aroma of cinnamon. It is easy to spread Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread over the top of homemade waffles or pancakes and let it melt in. Try it on Apple Pancakes with Sauteed Apples for your next weekend family breakfast.

Turn your breakfasts into something a little special with easy-to-use Cinnamon Sugar Butter Spread.

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