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- Are there any specific candy-making tips I should know when making toffee?
- Can I double my candy recipes?
- How do I cover truffles, nuts or dried fresh fruits with melted chocolate?
- How do I package candy to send?
- How do I store candy long-term (up to 12 months)?
- How do I store candy short-term (two months or less)?
- I made toffee on a very rainy day and it didn't turn out. Does weather affect the toffee-making proc
- Is pan size important when making candy?
- What are some general candy making tips?
- What do I do if my toffee mixture separates during cooking?
- What fat should I use when making my candy?
- Where do I hold the thermometer in the candy mixture to get an accurate reading?
- Why do caramels have to be cooked so long?
- Why is my fudge grainy?
- Why is my fudge so soft and sticky?
- Why is the texture of caramels sometimes so tough?