Cool an unfrosted cake completely. It is best to freeze a cake unfrosted and frost it after it is thawed completely. Place the layer cake in a plastic cake container or bakery box to prevent crushing.
Cakes may also be frosted and then frozen. Place frosted cakes in the freezer to harden the frosting before wrapping. Remove the cake from the freezer. Place the frosted cake in a plastic cake container or bakery box. Label contents and date.
Cakes may be filled or frosted with whipped cream or whipped topping before freezing. Frost cake with a buttercream frosting rather than a fluffy frosting. Egg-white frostings and custard fillings do not freeze well.
Angel and chiffon cakes are best left in the pan or placed in rigid containers to prevent crushing.
Storage Time:
Up to 3 months, if unfrosted
Up to 2 months, if frosted
Thawing Directions: Thaw unfrosted frozen cake at room temperature, covered, for 2 to 3 hours. If frozen cake is frosted, thaw cake loosely covered overnight in the refrigerator.