Rich Vanilla Ice Cream
What could be better than homemade vanilla ice cream on a hot day?
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4 cup sugar1 pint (2 cups) Land O Lakes® Half & Half
4 teaspoon salt1 pint (2 cups) Land O Lakes® Heavy Whipping Cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
How to make
Combine sugar, half & half and salt in 2-quart saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, 3-4 minutes or until sugar is dissolved.
Beat eggs in bowl until light and lemon-colored. Gradually stir small amount of hot half & half mixture into beaten eggs with whisk. Slowly pour egg mixture into remaining half & half mixture in saucepan, whisking constantly.
Reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring constantly, 7-10 minutes or until half & half mixture reaches 160°F and is thick enough to coat back of metal spoon. (Do not boil.) Pour into clean bowl. Cover; refrigerate 1-2 hours or until chilled.
Stir whipping cream and vanilla into chilled half & half mixture with whisk. Freeze in ice cream maker, according to manufacturer’s instructions, until desired consistency. Serve immediately or store frozen in freezer container with tight-fitting lid.
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