Cornmeal Skillet Rolls
Preparation time is cut because these rolls only need to rise once before baking.
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1 cup boiling water
2 cup cornmeal1
4 cup mild-flavored molasses3 tablespoons Land O Lakes® Butter
1 teaspoon salt
4 cup warm (105°F to 115°F) water1 (1/4-ounce) package active dry yeast
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon Land O Lakes® Butter, melted
How to make
Grease 10-inch cast iron skillet or 9-inch round baking pan; set aside.
Place boiling water into bowl. Slowly add cornmeal, stirring constantly, until well mixed. Add molasses, 3 tablespoons butter and salt; stir until butter is melted. Stir in egg; mix well. Set aside.
Combine warm water and yeast in another bowl. Stir until yeast is dissolved.
Place flour into large bowl. Add cornmeal and yeast mixtures; stir until soft dough forms. Turn dough onto well-floured surface. Knead with well-floured hands 1-2 minutes or until ball forms. (Dough will be sticky.)
Cut dough into 16 pieces with sharp knife. Shape each piece of dough into ball with well-floured hands. Place balls into prepared pan. Cover; let rise in warm place 30-45 minutes or until double in size.
Heat oven to 375°F.
Bake 30-35 minutes or until golden brown and rolls sound hollow when tapped. Remove from pan; place onto cooling rack. Brush with 1 tablespoon melted butter. Serve warm.
Tip #1
- After baking, be sure to remove rolls from cast iron skillet. Food baked in cast iron bakeware may absorb the “metal” flavor if stored in the skillet.
Tip #2
- Yeast must be activated by dissolving in warm water. The liquid should be from 105°F to 115°F. If water is too warm, the yeast will be killed and dough will not rise. Use candy thermometer to determine if water is at safe temperature to dissolve yeast. To “proof” yeast, dissolve yeast with 1 teaspoon sugar in 1/4 cup water and allowing it to stand for a few minutes. The mixture should become foamy in 5 minutes, confirming that the yeast is still active. Do not use packages of yeast which are older than their expiration date.
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