Chilled Mocha Cooler
This frosty dessert beverage pairs chocolate and coffee flavors for a refreshing treat.
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1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 cup Land O Lakes® Half & Half
1 1
2 cups hot water2 tablespoons freeze dried coffee crystals
2 cups vanilla ice cream
How to make
Combine milk chocolate chips and half & half in 5-cup blender container. Cover; blend 2-3 minutes or until smooth.
Combine hot water and coffee crystals in small bowl; stir until dissolved. Add coffee mixture and ice cream to half & half mixture in blender. Cover; blend on medium speed until smooth and frothy. Refrigerate 1 hour or until well chilled.
At serving time, blend until frothy. Fill each glass 3/4 full with coffee mixture; top with 1 scoop vanilla ice cream.
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