Bruschetta Chicken Challenge!
Ever have one of those days? I need to be cloned... there are too many places to go and things to do! Both boys have ball games tonight (after a long day at school and full days of work for both the hubby and me) so we need a quick, healthy meal to make sure they don’t melt down on the ball field.
Ever have one of those days? I need to be cloned... there are too many places to go and things to do! Both boys have ball games tonight (after a long day at school and full days of work for both the hubby and me) so we need a quick, healthy meal to make sure they don’t melt down on the ball field. I have to keep my "bug chaser / flower picker" 3-year old focused (you know you’ve seen that kid on the field - yup. He’s mine)! Picture those habits on a "cruise through" meal? No thanks!!
So, it’s a dinner challenge night! Objective: A real meal made in 20 minutes! With 4 ingredients, this recipe was easy to prep as I had almost every ingredient. What a great idea for the pre-made bruschetta from the grocery store. Check out how quick and easy this meal is! We were able to cook, eat, get changed and get out the door in 35 minutes. It was our very own Bruschetta Chicken Challenge!
Let’s get started… First, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a skillet over medium heat until the butter sizzles.
Add the chicken breasts to the skillet and cook each side for about 6 minutes until it is browned.
The recipe calls for you to make the pasta ahead of time and set it aside, but I was a multi-tasking fool! While I had the chicken started, I boiled water for the pasta. Once the water boiled, I added 8 ounces of pasta.
Cook the pasta according to the package directions. I cooked my pasta for about 7 to 8 minutes. Then I drained the water and added in 1 tablespoon of butter to coat the pasta so it wouldn’t stick together.
The chicken is almost ready! You can also see if the chicken is done when the juices start to run clear or internal temperature reaches 165°F (If in doubt whether the chicken is done, feel free to cut it open).
This gave me just enough time to locate a missing pair of baseball cleats and referee who was going to sit in which chair for dinner. I know - this never happens at your house either, right?
Next, add 8 ounces of pre-made bruschetta to the chicken in the skillet. My local grocery store has a salad bar area that I was able to grab a container of bruschetta to go. Continue cooking the chicken until it is heated through- it only takes a minute or two!
Place the chicken and bruschetta over the pasta and you are ready to serve!
We sprinkled the top with fresh parmesan cheese. It was amazing!
"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!" for our Bruschetta Chicken Challenge! Hope you give this recipe a try - it’s simple, quick and the real deal for a family meal!
Come back in a few days when I'll share a fun recipe kids will love to help with.
Alex is paid to write for the Recipe Buzz® Blog.
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